Sunday, May 06, 2007

Long Update

Beri long no updates… Too tired due to practicum… Anyway 5 more days to go b4 practicum ends… Ganbatte !

Dun wish to tok much abt my practicum… Some unhappy incidents tis past week… Trying hard not to tink abt it liao… Hopefully I’ll pass my practicum…

Going back to NIE next week for the toopid induction program… aiyo two weeks leh… even Sat have to go… then weekdays is like from morning 8 to 6 in the evening… longer than school day loh… bloody hell… eat our holiday not enuff still wana torture us with those long boring useless talks… tink I’ll try to skip a few days… or rather as many days as possible… wahaha…

Did nothing much past few weeks… caught the movie “200 pounds beauty”… nice show wor… beri funny… not many shows can get me to realli laff… this is one of those rare ones… and the female lead quite chio :p… not the super chio type but have 气质… and the show does bring up some issues worth tinking abt regarding plastic surgery… so it’s not juz slapstick comedy… Anyway, in conclusion, highly recommended by Watashi… so catch it b4 it close…

Wanted to watch Spiderman 3 too… been waiting for it to come out for a long time… but most of my frenz who watched din like the show… some common comments are tat the show is damn lame and cheesy… hmm… nv mind… tink I’ll still go watch… but maybe during a weekday where it’s cheaper and less crowded…

Went for our monthly poly gathering too… we went to tis Korean restaurant at Mosque Street… ok lah… not realli beri authentic and food standard is juz average… but it does bring back memories of Korea… gosh I miss Korea… almost brought a tear to my eye while eating… hahaha…

Hmm… Genting trip is off… Sad… response not beri good… dates unavailable… prices too high… coz I planning to leave on Friday night and come back Sunday night… but I found out this schedule is not easy to plan coz their packages for Genting usually is 2 days 1 nite, beri few 3 days 2 nites… and the average price per person for the packages I found online (bus tix plus hotel) is around 200 plus per person, close to 300… I tink tink abit find tat not realli worth it to spend so much juz going to Malaysia for such a short trip… might as well save the money go somewhere further next time…


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