Tuesday, March 11, 2008

NUS Sex Survey

The infamous NUS Sex Survey... a piece of news tat's causing a bit of a hoo-ha recently in sg... other than the MSK escape & Malaysian election results (but these topics are too serious & political for open discussion)...

If u are a mountain tortoise who have totally no idea wat I'm toking abt... a NUS publication recently did a survey where results showed tat 64% of NUS students have sex at least once a week... the findings attracted alot of "wow"s & "what?"s from many singaporeans...

I had wanted to post my comments a few days back when I saw the news article... but was busy & it slipped my mind... until today when I read Jamie Yeo's article in mypaper... and it totally echoes my tots... I absolutely agrees with wat she wrote...

To read about wat she wrote (& wat I tink)... pls go to http://www.mypaper.sg/

Juz to add on... I seriously tink many singaporeans are over-reacting... or they are juz criticizing for the sake of criticizing ( which is a common sg trait )... sg is a country stuck between Asian conservatism & Western liberalism... singaporeans are always tempted or "gianz" to try certain things but we are carrying the burden of morality, constantly living under the cover of a conservative Asian society...

The truth is... many things are happening around us... but some people still can't accept or choose not to believe wat's going on... alot of issues & topics are taboo or hush-hush... juz mentioning them or openly discussing them gives u the label of being immoral... not to mention admitting to doing them...

In a way... I'm glad NUS did & revealed tis survey... acts as a cold bucket of water to wake up some people's idea... but I am a fair guy... from an objective point of view, tis survey cun realli be taken at face value... firstly, the num of participants is juz 56, which is not a substantial figure to pass judgement... secondly, it was an online survey so anyone could have done the survey... the credibility of the survey remains in doubt... therefore, I dun feel much abt the survey results... juz bemused by the public's reactions...

64%? C'mon... no big deal...

To view the original survey results, go to


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