Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bored? Nothing to do? Don't fret

Some activities I came in contact with recently, for those of u who find sg too boring (like me)... can try some different activites for a change...


Forest Adventure

Click on the websites for more details.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


感情这样东西真是让人捉摸不定。。。想要的时候得不到,没有准备时却几段一起来。。。kaoz 真想骂粗话。。。!#$%^&*?



明天又得开工了。。。sianz 到。。。

Monday, February 09, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day & 情人节快乐

Yaya... I noe it's not V-day yet... I'm not THAT senile... but today is 元宵节... also known as 东方情人节... so take tis opportunity to wish 1st since both days are within the same week...

Do u noe that tonight (9th Feb) the moon will be biggest, brightest & fullest for a long time to come? If u dun wana miss this rare opportunity, go view the moon with your loved one tonite... the best time where the moon is brightest is supposedly at 10:49pm... hope u make it in time (that is if u read my blog in time, lol)...

I hereby wish everyone 有情人终成眷属,永浴爱河,共结连理,比翼双飞。。。

Single ones dun feel sad... remember... 在世界的某个角落,一定有个属于你的人在等待。。。无论等待多么漫长,距离多么遥远。。。就算相隔天与地,也有在地平线相遇的一天。。。

End of post... *trottles off for moon-viewing session*

Monday, February 02, 2009

CNY BRC Gathering

Had an army buddies' gathering at KH's place yest... loads of fun & laughter... we miss the good old army days...

What does a bunch of army buddies do on a CNY gathering? Lots of gambling, of course... Mahjong, Texas Hold-Em, Blackjack, Bingo... KH even had the casino-style gambling apparatus (pro de loh)... the whole place looked like a gambling den...

Yesterday's battle results:
Mahjong: +$80
Texas Hold-Em: +$75
Bingo: -$30
Total: +$125

Not bad... anyway CNY still not over... will tally total winnings on lunar 15th... duno whether I'm on winning streak or my mahjong skills improve... only lost once or twice since last November... I won back my Hong Kong trip + Ah Yat Abalone liao... hopefully it's a sign of good things to come in 2009...

Since CNY... I hereby wish all of u...

Huat Arh!!!

See... so simple & practical... LOL