Thursday, March 19, 2009












“我最近很忙”,“很多事情要做”,“我很穷啊,没有钱” 等等等。。。


没有钱?拜托。。。以前身为“穷学生”,身无分文也不是可以过得很开心。。。现在都市人的问题就是什么东西都和钱挂钩,潜意识中已经认为“快乐”是“钱”买来的。。。最痛恨的就是那些薪水赚得比我多(还多很多),却一整天在抱怨钱不够用的人。。。come on 。。。我又不是要你拿出个一百几十万来买公寓。。。只是吃顿饭,就算吃顿好的,奢侈一点的,也花不到你一百块。。。就算我主办最贵的活动,例如找你出国,最多最多几千元(再贵一些我自己也不舍得),有必要一直抱怨说“So expensive!”吗?尤其是当你一个月赚五六千块钱,买LV从不手软的时候。。。(Yes girl, I’m toking about you… Y… O… U… dun doubt it… LOL)



昨天和朋友聊天,聊到说“我已经习惯一个人了”,她对我说:“你的situation 很 dangerous, when you 习惯一个人 too long, you will in the end end up 一个人的。” 虽然她的华文表达能力有待加强 (haha),但一言惊醒梦中人,其实我也懂这个道理,不过可能单身太久了,所以有点麻木了。


Monday, March 16, 2009

Paintball !

Finally got the paintball pics yesterday... the place is called Red Dynasty, location is at Bottle Tree Park (opp Yishun stadium)...

Oooh... looks exciting...

A briefing by the instructor...

Put on our mask helmets...

Load our ammo...
(the bullets contain "edible" vegetable dye so dun nid to worry they get in your mouth or stain your clothes, but they do taste really awful... yucks)

And into the battleground we go !

My team... I'm on extreme right...

Getting ready...

Our opponents seem ready...

And off we go !

Most garang soldier award goes to Mr Kovin-ovic... not only did he come in army attire, he even brought SAF water bottle (WTH?!)... watch him do the John Woo action movie slide...

Difference btw guys & gals...
The guys are always in the midst of the action, constantly moving & attacking...
The gals... constantly hiding & screaming... LOL

Headshot !

Painball's fun... but also damn tiring... each game only lasted around 3-4 minutes (we had 4 games)... it may sound beri short but the intensity & pace of the game is super physically demanding... that's me all burned-out & resting after the game...
In conclusion... paintball... highly recommended... die-die-must-try... will definitely go again some other time... but the first criteria is that u must be able to find enuff kakis who are into extreme physical sports... beri nice group activity...

Monday, March 09, 2009


Darn... caught a cold... recently weather beri bad 忽冷忽热... plus caught in the rain...

Although I am well-known for taking MC whenever I feel like it, I am actually quite reluctant about taking MC tmr... 1stly becoz I've reached my "quota" for term 1 (3 days liao), 2ndly becoz hols is coming soon (next week)... I'll try to "dong" for next few days & hopefully everything will be fine when hols start...

Not going anywhere YET for tis march hols... which is quite sad... originally planned to join my fren's frenz to go bali de... but in the end never go coz the price is quite bohua... they actually have to pay close to 700 bucks just for the air tix + lodging alone BEFORE expenses... i think the whole trip may add up to 1k in total... who would pay 1k to go BALI? well... they would... but i won't... hmm... i'll try to figure out some place to go soon or juz end up rotting in sg...