Practicum Update
Ok… everyone is grumbling abt their practicum… maybe u expect me to do so too… well I wun… coz I sort of 看开了… moaning and groaning abt it wun help matters… it juz makes things worse… keep tinking abt it negatively will make u stressed and moody so no point… so I am juz going to be positive abt the whole thingy… 明天会更好!
Oh ya… but something worth mentioning abt the practicum… we trainees at my sch are offered a chance to go Japan next week… JAPAN !!! no joke… apparently, they are having a foreign exchange program during the march holidays… 7-day trip to Japan for $2130 per person… sounds good… beri gianz…
But no lah… tink I am going to reject the offer… 1stly, money issue - spend too much money last holiday liao… and have to save up for year-end trip to Taiwan + maybe midyear holiday overseas trip to duno-where-yet… 2ndly, tink the one week break nid to prepare some lesson plans and do assignment stuff, if go trip come back Friday left weekends too rush liao… 3rdly, umm… hope my sch ppl dun read my blog… it’s coz of the company going… from the chn department, all the “sweet young things” not going… only my HOD, my CT and one guy… I hear oredi sianz half liao… hahaha…
Late liao… have to go sleep… tmr morning have to go school… ZZZzzz…